
en Default locale
en Fallback locale


Defined 37

These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
en messages 1 SIGNUP_TITLE Sign up - LTS TCard
en messages 1 TCARD_CAPTION Digital TCards - Get it done on time!
en messages 1 TCARD_CAPTION_SUB Tcards are an effective tool used by businesses to track and record various processes<br /> such as production planning, scheduling, allocation, stock control, and communication. <br />They offer benefits across all industries.
en messages 1 SIGNUP_PAGE_TITLE Sign Up
en messages 1 SIGNIN_SSO_TITLE Sign in with SSO
en messages 1 OR_WITH_MAIL Or with email
en messages 1 COMPANY_NAME Company Name
en messages 1 USER_EMAIL User Email
en messages 1 FIRST_NAME First Name
en messages 1 LAST_NAME Last Name
en messages 1 PASSWORD Password
en messages 1 PASSWORD_INFO The password must contain atleast 8 or more characters with numbers , uppercase , lowercase and special characters.
en messages 1 CONFIRM_PASSWORD Confirm Password
en messages 1 I_ACCEPT_TERMS I Accept the <a class="ms-1 link-primary" data-bs-toggle="modal" href="#termsAndConditionTemplate" role="button">Terms and Conditions </a> and <a class="ms-1 link-primary" data-bs-toggle="modal" href="#privacyPolicyTemplate" role="button">Privacy Policy</a>
en messages 1 INCORRECT_CAPTCHA Incorrect CAPTCHA
en messages 1 SIGNUP_BTN_TITLE Sign Up
en messages 1 PLEASE_WAIT Please wait...
en messages 1 ALREADY_HAVR_ACCOUNT Already have an account?
en messages 1 SIGNIN_BTN_TITLE Sign In
en messages 1 TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS Terms and Conditions
en messages 3 CLOSE Close
en messages 1 PRIVACY_POLICY Privacy Policy
en messages 1 END_USER_LICENSE_AGREEMENT End User License Agreement
en messages 1 COMPANY_NAME_REQUIRED Company name is required
en messages 1 COMPANY_NAME_VALIDATION The Company name should consist of only alphabetical characters and spaces.
en messages 1 FIRTNAME_REQUIRED First name is required
en messages 1 FIRSTNAME_VALIDATE_CHARACTER First name should consist of only alphabets.
en messages 1 PHONE_REQUIRED Phone Number is required
en messages 1 PHONE_VALIDATION Invalid phone number
en messages 1 EMAIL_VALIDATION Invalid email address
en messages 1 MAIL_REQUIRED Email address is required
en messages 1 PASSWORD_REQUIRED Password is required
en messages 1 PASSWORD_VALIDATION Invalid password
en messages 1 PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION Confirm password is required
en messages 1 PASSWORD_COMPARISION Confirm password doesn't match
en messages 1 FIELDS_REQUIRED This field is required
en messages 1 MAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS_MSG Email already exists. Please try logging in with this email address.

Fallback 0

These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.

No fallback translation messages were used.

Missing 0

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

There are no messages of this category.