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  30.                 <button class="lt-buttons " onclick="scrollToSection('.section1')">Introduction</button>
  31.                 <button class="lt-buttons " onclick="scrollToSection('.section2')">Use of Service</button>
  32.                 <button class="lt-buttons " onclick="scrollToSection('.section3')">Proprietary Rights</button>
  33.                 <button class="lt-buttons" onclick="scrollToSection('.section4')">Payment and Subscription</button>
  34.                 <button class="lt-buttons" onclick="scrollToSection('.section5')">Disclaimer of Warranties</button>
  35.                 <button class="lt-buttons" onclick="scrollToSection('.section6')">Limitation of Liability</button>
  36.                 <button class="lt-buttons" onclick="scrollToSection('.section7')">Indemnification</button>
  37.                 <button class="lt-buttons" onclick="scrollToSection('.section8')">Termination</button>
  38.                 <button class="lt-buttons" onclick="scrollToSection('.section9')">Governing Law and Dispute Resolution</button>
  39.                 <button class="lt-buttons" onclick="scrollToSection('.section10')">Changes to the Agreement</button>
  40.                 <button class="lt-buttons" onclick="scrollToSection('.section11')">Miscellaneous</button>                
  41.             </div>
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  43.                 <!-- Introduction -->
  44.                 <section class="section1 section pb-5">
  45.                     <label for="" class="form-label ">1. Introduction </label>
  46.                     <p class="passage">
  47.                         Introduction Lean Transition Solutions ("LTS," "we," "us," or "our") provides a web-based software application known as TCard ("TCard," "Application," or "Service") that enables users to manage tasks and workflows. By using TCard, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions ("Terms of Service" or "Agreement").
  48.                     </p>
  49.                 </section>
  50.                 <!-- Use of Service -->
  51.                 <section class="section2 section pb-5">
  52.                     <label for="" class="form-label ">2. Use of Service  </label><br>
  53.                     <p class="point">
  54.                         <span class="point-number">2.1.&nbsp;</span>
  55.                         <span><span class="point-title">Eligibility:&nbsp;</span>To use TCard, you must be at least 18
  56.                             years of age or older and have the legal capacity to enter into this Agreement. By using
  57.                             TCard, you represent and warrant that you meet these eligibility requirements.</span>
  58.                     </p>
  59.                     <p class="point">
  60.                         <span class="point-number">2.2.&nbsp;</span>
  61.                         <span><span class="point-title">User Accounts:&nbsp;</span>You may only use TCard with a valid
  62.                             user account. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account
  63.                             information, including your username and password. You agree to notify us immediately if you
  64.                             become aware of any unauthorised use of your account or any other breach of security.</span>
  65.                     </p>
  66.                     <p class="point">
  67.                         <span class="point-number">2.3.&nbsp;</span>
  68.                         <span><span class="point-title">Prohibited Conduct:&nbsp;</span>You agree not to use TCard for
  69.                             any unlawful purpose, or in any way that violates these Terms of Service, or any applicable
  70.                             laws or regulations. You agree not to engage in any activity that interferes with or
  71.                             disrupts TCard, or any servers or networks connected to TCard.</span>
  72.                     </p>
  73.                 </section>
  74.                 <!-- Proprietary Rights -->
  75.                 <section class="section3 section pb-5">
  76.                     <label for="" class="form-label ">3. Proprietary Rights</label><br>
  77.                     <p class="point">
  78.                         <span class="point-number">3.1.&nbsp;</span>
  79.                         <span><span class="point-title">LTS Rights:&nbsp;</span>LTS retains all right, title, and
  80.                             interest in and to TCard, including all intellectual property rights and any updates,
  81.                             enhancements, or modifications to TCard. This Agreement does not grant you any right, title,
  82.                             or interest in TCard or any LTS intellectual property rights.</span>
  83.                     </p>
  84.                     <p class="point">
  85.                         <span class="point-number">3.2.&nbsp;</span>
  86.                         <span><span class="point-title">User Content:&nbsp;</span>You retain all rights, title, and
  87.                             interest in and to any content you submit to TCard ("User Content"). By submitting User
  88.                             Content, you grant LTS a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable
  89.                             licence to use, copy, modify, distribute, display, and perform User Content in connection
  90.                             with TCard and LTS's business operations.</span>
  91.                     </p>
  92.                 </section>
  93.                 <!-- Payment and Subscription -->
  94.                 <section class="section4 section pb-5">
  95.                     <label for="" class="form-label ">4. Payment and Subscription</label><br>
  96.                     <p class="point">
  97.                         <span class="point-number">4.1.&nbsp;</span>
  98.                         <span><span class="point-title">Subscription:&nbsp;</span>To use TCard, you must purchase a
  99.                             subscription plan ("Subscription"). LTS may change its Subscription plans and pricing from
  100.                             time to time, with reasonable notice to you.</span>
  101.                     </p>
  102.                     <p class="point">
  103.                         <span class="point-number">4.2.&nbsp;</span>
  104.                         <span><span class="point-title">Payment:&nbsp;</span>You agree to pay all fees associated with
  105.                             your Subscription in accordance with the payment terms and conditions provided by LTS. LTS
  106.                             reserves the right to terminate your Subscription for non-payment or late payment.</span>
  107.                     </p>
  108.                     <p class="point">
  109.                         <span class="point-number">4.3.&nbsp;</span>
  110.                         <span><span class="point-title">Taxes:&nbsp;</span>You are responsible for paying all taxes,
  111.                             duties, and other governmental charges associated with your use of TCard, other than taxes
  112.                             based on LTS's net income. All fees and charges are stated exclusive of VAT and any other
  113.                             taxes or duties which will be added to the total amount due and payable by you.</span>
  114.                     </p>
  115.                 </section>
  116.                 <!-- Disclaimer of Warranties -->
  117.                 <section class="section5 section pb-5">
  118.                     <label for="" class="form-label ">5. Disclaimer of Warranties</label><br>
  119.                     <p class="point">
  120.                         <span class="point-number">5.1.&nbsp;</span>
  121.                         <span>LTS makes no warranty or representation that TCard will be error-free or uninterrupted, or
  122.                             that the use of TCard will meet your requirements or expectations. TCard is provided "AS IS"
  123.                             and LTS disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranties of
  124.                             merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.</span>
  125.                     </p>
  126.                     <p class="point">
  127.                         <span class="point-number">5.2.&nbsp;</span>
  128.                         <span>LTS is not responsible for any loss or damage arising from your use of TCard or any User
  129.                             Content.</span>
  130.                     </p>
  131.                 </section>
  132.                 <!-- Limitation of Liability -->
  133.                 <section class="section6 section pb-5">
  134.                     <label for="" class="form-label ">6. Limitation of Liability</label><br>
  135.                     <p class="point">
  136.                         <span class="point-number">6.1.&nbsp;</span>
  137.                         <span>To the fullest extent permitted by law, LTS will not be liable for any direct, indirect,
  138.                             incidental, special, or consequential damages arising from or in connection with your use of
  139.                             TCard or any User Content.</span>
  140.                     </p>
  141.                     <p class="point">
  142.                         <span class="point-number">6.2.&nbsp;</span>
  143.                         <span>LTS's total liability arising from or related to this Agreement, whether in contract, tort
  144.                             (including negligence), or otherwise, will not exceed the total amount of fees paid by you
  145.                             to LTS during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the event giving rise to such
  146.                             liability.</span>
  147.                     </p>
  148.                 </section>
  149.                 <!-- Indemnification -->
  150.                 <section class="section7 section pb-5">
  151.                     <label for="" class="form-label ">7. Indemnification</label><br>
  152.                     <p class="passage">
  153.                         You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless LTS, its affiliates, directors, officers,
  154.                         employees, agents, and licensors from and against any and all claims, damages, losses,
  155.                         liabilities, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising from or in
  156.                         connection with your use of TCard, any User Content, or your violation of these Terms of
  157.                         Service.
  158.                     </p>
  159.                 </section>
  160.                 <!-- 7.    Termination -->
  161.                 <section class="section8 section pb-5">
  162.                     <label for="" class="form-label ">8. Termination</label><br>
  163.                     <p class="point">
  164.                         <span class="point-number">8.1.&nbsp;</span>
  165.                         <span>This Agreement will remain in effect until either party terminates it. </span>
  166.                     </p>
  167.                     <p class="point">
  168.                         <span class="point-number">8.2.&nbsp;</span>
  169.                         <span>LTS may terminate your access to TCard at any time if you violate these Terms of Service
  170.                             or for any other reason.</span>
  171.                     </p>
  172.                     <p class="point">
  173.                         <span class="point-number">8.3.&nbsp;</span>
  174.                         <span>Upon termination of this Agreement, your right to use TCard will immediately cease, and
  175.                             you must cease all use of TCard and delete all copies of TCard from your devices.</span>
  176.                     </p>
  177.                 </section>
  178.                 <!-- Governing Law and Dispute Resolution -->
  179.                 <section class="section9 section pb-5">
  180.                     <label for="" class="form-label ">9. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution </label><br>
  181.                     <p class="point">
  182.                         <span class="point-number">9.1.&nbsp;</span>
  183.                         <span>This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England
  184.                             and Wales.</span>
  185.                     </p>
  186.                     <p class="point">
  187.                         <span class="point-number">9.2.&nbsp;</span>
  188.                         <span>Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, including any question
  189.                             regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved
  190.                             by arbitration under the rules of the London Court of International Arbitration, which rules
  191.                             are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause.</span>
  192.                     </p>
  193.                     <p class="point">
  194.                         <span class="point-number">9.3.&nbsp;</span>
  195.                         <span>The seat, or legal place, of arbitration will be London, UK. </span>
  196.                     </p>
  197.                     <p class="point">
  198.                         <span class="point-number">9.4.&nbsp;</span>
  199.                         <span>The language of the arbitration will be English.</span>
  200.                     </p>
  201.                 </section>
  202.                 <!-- Changes to the Agreement -->
  203.                 <section class="section10 section pb-5">
  204.                     <label for="" class="form-label ">10. Changes to the Agreement</label><br>
  205.                     <p class="passage">
  206.                         LTS may modify these Terms of Service from time to time, and will provide you with notice of
  207.                         such changes. Your continued use of TCard after any such changes will constitute your acceptance
  208.                         of the modified Terms of Service.
  209.                     </p>
  210.                 </section>
  211.                 <!-- Miscellaneous -->
  212.                 <section class="section11 section">
  213.                     <label for="" class="form-label ">11. Miscellaneous </label><br>
  214.                     <p class="point">
  215.                         <span class="point-number">11.1.&nbsp;</span>
  216.                         <span>This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and LTS and supersedes all
  217.                             prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter
  218.                             of this Agreement.</span>
  219.                     </p>
  220.                     <p class="point">
  221.                         <span class="point-number">11.2.&nbsp;</span>
  222.                         <span>If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining
  223.                             provisions will remain in full force and effect. </span>
  224.                     </p>
  225.                     <p class="point">
  226.                         <span class="point-number">11.3.&nbsp;</span>
  227.                         <span>LTS may assign this Agreement without your consent. You may not assign this Agreement
  228.                             without LTS's prior written consent. </span>
  229.                     </p>
  230.                     <p class="point">
  231.                         <span class="point-number">11.4.&nbsp;</span>
  232.                         <span>LTS's failure to enforce any right or provision of this Agreement will not be deemed a
  233.                             waiver of such right or provision.</span>
  234.                     </p>
  235.                 </section>
  236.             </div>
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